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Wednesday, January 5, 2011


(mengikut turutan ke-best-an)

1. Mengurangkan berat badan dan mengecilkan perut. Mestilah nombor satu kan kebaikan  ini :B Kalau yang nak try lose weight, lemon akan mempercepatkan proses itu. Untuk perut pula, lemon dikatakan bagus dalam reducing belly fat. Banyak artikel lain yang mengupas kebenaran statement tadi, jadi rajin-rajinlah cari.

2. Bagus untuk kulit. Rejuvenate skin from within katanya. Kebaikan lemon untuk kulit: Mengurangkan tanda parut kalau selalu sapu kat parut, mengurangkan kedut dan blackheads kalau selalu minum, bring glow to face (muka bercahaya glow in the dark wah wah wah) kalau selalu makan minum. Kalau dah selesai perah lemon untuk buat lemonade, jangan buang lagi sebab kulit (sebelah dalam) lemon boleh buat scrub muka (buang sel kulit mati) dan juga scrub siku lutut leher.

3. Membuang rasa bersalah untuk hidang air kosong kepada tetamu. Agak-agak nak stylo dengan harga murah, campak sahaja lemon dalam satu jug air masak berisi ais. Kan macam kat hotel? Kan terus semua tetamu hilang sakit-sakit gusi tulang stress semua. Bagus betul tips cipta sendiri ni :')

4. Bagus untuk perut. Apabila dicampur dengan air panas, lemon berupaya menyelesaikan permasalahan nyahtinja yang dihadapi seseorang. Kembung perut, heartburn dan parasites juga mampu dirawat dengan khasiat lemon ciptaan Tuhan.

5. Kurangkan demam kerana membantu kita berpeluh.

6. Merawat sakit tekak. Ha inilah dia! Ha inilah dia! Benefit inilah yang membawa saya menulis artikel ini sekaligus memberi pengetahuan mendalam tentang lemon kepada anda semua. Sebab dia terel melawan jangkitan kuman, mati kau kuman mati kau kuman yang bermastautin di tekak. Tapi dia suruh kumur-kumur air lemon. I minum terus pula teehee.

7. Menenangkan otak & badan yang stress sedang melalui fasa depression. Kerana ia mampu mengawal tekanan darah tinggi, pening-pening dan rasa nak muntah. Tidak stress lagi! Bila tensi cuba minum air lemon, terus berada di awan ke-9 (hiperbola). Apabila tidak stress, rambut tidak gugur, bawah mata tidak lebam, bibir tidak melengkung ke bawah. Kan cantik.
8. Pam keluar toksin dan bakteria dari badan. Pam keluar, wah? Flush out toxins and bacteria bahasa Inggerisnya. Sebab lemon bantu kita kencing lebih banyak dari sukatan biasa (nak uji kebenaran, bolehlah sediakan measuring tube haha ew). Kebaikan itu menjadikan ia blood purifier yang bagus dan mampu memulihkan penyakit seperti Rheumatism, Arthritis, Cholera atau Malaria.

9. Membantu memulihkan masalah/penyakit berkaitan saluran pernafasan. Samada sapu lemon di dada dan sedut aromanya atau minum air panas-panas untuk benefit dari wapnya, semua di ajar di e-How sila usha jangan malas.

10. Bantu kesihatan dan kewangian mulut/gusi. Apabila sakit gigi, sental lemon secara sungguh-sungguh terhadap gigi tersebut untuk mengurangkan kesakitannya. Sila potong lemon itu dulu, jangan kau sental sekali bulat tuh kat gigi memang menjahanamkan lebih lanjut. Kalau gusi berdarah juga, urutlah lemon di tempat gusi itu berdarah, selain bantu menghentikan pendarahan, ia mewangikan gusi busuk ituww.

Kebanyakan fakta ini diambil dan diolah dari Life Mojo. Itu sahaja dari bahagian saya dalam berkongsi khasiat lemon. Sungguh teruja menaip dan berharap semua boleh menjadikan lemon sebagai stok buah yang tetap dalam household. Satu biji lemon baru 65sen dan kalau beli satu plastik ada 10 biji memang boleh tahan lebih dari 2minggu sebab kulit dia tebal dan anda tak pakai banyak pun sekali minum.


:: bad morning! :( ::

morning all.... what a bad morning! huhu... pagi neh i bangun pagi dengan misi utk buat some work-out... then ader la buat sket, MISSION ACCOMPLISH! Pastu i prepare my working attire (mlm td dh pk nak pakai baju ape arini), semua ok cuma shirt yang i nak pakai XJUMPE!!! thought my sis yang amek... carik punyer carik & selepas membebel2 satu rumah... my adik bangun dan dier pon tolong carik shirt yang i nak pakai tuh... setelah hampir 45mins mencarik xjumpe2, my younger sis said the shirt is in the washing machine!!! smlm jatuh dr ampaian & my kakak letak kat washing machine nak cuci balik!!!! arrrggghhhh!!!! setelah dpt menenangkan hati ni, i just wear the black inner & short jacket, baru puas ati haku... hehehehhehe...

Then, on the way driving to work, dengar kat HOT FM plak yang RON 97 naik lagi RM 0.10/liter!!! this means it become RM2.40/ltr.... tension lagik.... huhu... klo naek jer, susah la mcm neh.. coz my car if using RON95 become less pickup... huhuhu... mana nak carik wit lebey neh???? bonus tahun lepas pon xdapat.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... help me!!!!!

Life is not easy deal with it

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

:: Is It Time to Leave Your Job? ::

:: Is It Time to Leave Your Job?:: 

It's the holiday season, when we start making lists of the gifts we want -- and of the pros and cons of the jobs we have. The end of one year and the start of a New Year is the time when just about everyone takes stock of where they are with their work, and whether they are where they expected to be.
So as you get ready to transition from your Christmas list to a wish list for your career, ask yourself these five questions about your company, your colleagues, and your personal game plan for what comes next.
1. Does my company stand for something -- anything -- special?
It's hard to be thrilled with your job if the company you work for is struggling to succeed, or feels stuck and irrelevant. I'm not talking about obvious problems -- red ink and layoffs. I mean the nagging sense that the company will never be anything more than OK, just another ho-hum player in its field. In this hyper-competitive age, you can't do great things as a company if you're just a little better than everybody else. Does the company you work for really stand out from the crowd? If not, why on earth are you working there?

2. Am I excited to see my colleagues when I show up for work on Monday morning?
Lots of people sign on with a company because it's got a cool reputation, or it's prestigious, or it's got a great stock price. But quickly you realize that "working for" a company is an abstraction. The reality is that you work with the people closest to you -- those in your department, in your unit, in your region. Most experts say that over the long term, employees aren't loyal to a company as a company. They are loyal to the people they work beside day after day. Can you imagine not spending 40 or 50 hours a week with the people you work beside every day? If so, maybe it's time to make a move and fine a group of colleagues who stimulate you and motivate you.
3. Do I have a voice at work -- does anyone who matters listen to what I say?
There's nothing more depressing and demotivating than feeling that you don't matter as a person -- even if you're part of a group that's working well in a company that's doing fine. In this age of participation and communication, people are hungry for a say, a voice, a sense that their opinion counts. If you feel like your opinion doesn't count, maybe it's time to find a company where it does.
4. Am I learning as fast as the world is changing?
I first heard this question from strategy guru Gary Hamel, and I ask it of myself all the time. In a world that moves so fast, the most dangerous thing in anyone's career is the sense that you're standing still -- that you're not learning, that you're not being challenged, that you're stuck. If that's how you feel, that's a strong sign that it's time to make a change.
5. Am I making enough money?
Strange as it sounds, this is the worst reason to leave a job. Virtually every study I've seen shows that there's almost no connection between how much money you make and how satisfied you are with your job. There really are things that money can't buy -- and happiness at work is one of them.
Here's hoping you get what you asked for-both in terms of what's under the tree and what's ahead in your career.

~ thanks to William C. Taylor ~
provided by

Good Luck Teddy

:: funny things in my office ::

today, sumthing funny happen in my office. Tapi, nak kata funny pun xboleh jugak coz mcm kesian pun ade.. For your info, in my office, ader my colleague yang bela hamster. Hamster neh bnyk la (coz diorg xtau yang mana male & female), since diorg put them in one cage, then the female keep pregnant...  itu al-kisahnya la... yang funny + kecian neh, when one of my office mate neh yang diamanahkan untuk menjaga hamster neh, telah menyebabkan misai hamster tu terbakar... actually semua tu unexpected, coz my friend neh letak lilin dekat dgn cage hamster neh... then agaknyer hamster tu pelik, then dier pi dekat, bau-bau & terbakar la misai hamster tuh plus sket cage hamster tuh... naseb baek xterbakar satu opis neh.... hehehhhe.... but the hamster looks soooo cute with the burn misai.... :P... and i baru terdengar yang 'mak hamster' tu (my fren yang membeli hamster plus menyediakan umah hamster tu) membebel2 menyuruh si 'pembakar' menggantikan semua nyer... hehehehe.... so,  conclusion... don't go near a fire, or else you'll get burn!!! (like our hamster)...

Hot Graphic #7

:: HANDBOOK 2011 ::

wanna share something with you ols (got this msg thru BBM from best fren)... :)

:: HANDBOOK 2011::

01. Drink plenty of water
02. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a begger
03. Live with the 3 E's : ENERGY, ENTHUSIASM and EMPATHY.
04. Make time to pray.
05. Play more games.
06. Read more books than you did in 2010.
07. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
08. Sleep for 7 hours.
09. Take a 10 - 30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.

10. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
11. Don't take yourself so seriously.
12. Dream more while you are awake.
13. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
14. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
15. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
16. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
17. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
18. Smile and laugh more.
19. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

20. Call your family often.
21. Each day give something good to others.
22. Forgive everyone for everything.
23. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
24. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
25. What other people think of you is none of your business.

26. Do the right thing!
27. GOD heals everything.
28. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
29. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up!
30. The best is yet to come..
31. When awake in the morning, thank GOD for it.
32. Your inner most is always happy. So, BE HAPPY!

New Year Scraps  New Year.

:: Goodbye 2010, Welcome 2011 ::

Hi and salam to all,

Firstly, thanks coz visit my blog... Btw, this blog is created by me to express what in my mind & any issues that i would like to share with you all... hope you could gimme some advice, opinion or anything that can improve myself to be a better person or solve my problem (if any).... and maybe to improve my writing skills... hehehhe... If i'm wrong in anything that written in this blog, pls correct me, ya! Hope we can share something together...:)